Monday, March 17, 2008

A Few Questions Answered!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! One thing we all know for sure is when this holiday rolls around, Spring is right around the corner. Hope everyone is just as excited.

psnob has introduced its first collection during one of the best times of year...Spring!
This collection is called the "Gwenny". The colors are vivid and represent how powerful "the art of fashion" really is.

For the past few weeks has gotten numerous website site hits and some pretty interesting questions were asked. Hopefully this break down of answers will help all of the soon to be psnob's out there understand what this movement is all about. The original psnob took a moment to fill us in...

Q. What does Prima, Imprimatur, and Ultima mean?
A. "As an artist and designer I wanted to create a strong brand as well as create a new meaning to something that has been done for decades. Handbags are nothing new under the sun, but I wanted to give my collection's a twist and educate people more on the art side of things. I love art, and I enjoy incorporating my fine arts background with designing unique handbags and if I can get people to gain more interest in the arts it makes everything I do worth it."

Prima is derived from the word Primo, meaning first. "Every painting I do is a first. Whether I decide to keep it a one-of-a-kind, or make it a series of prints, it all starts with the very first painting. A Prima will always be the highest in value as well as the original."

Imprimatur is derived from the Latin meaning "Let it be printed".
"Creating a print allows me to do reproductions of an original painting. If you notice in the word Imprimatur the word PRIMA is within the word....imPRIMAtur. This is a good example that even with a print, it has to start out as a Prima."

Ultima is derived from the word Ultimate.
"I honestly felt the word "custom" is overused and I wanted to create a word that meant something more meaningful to the consumer who would spare no expense by have a painting or handbag designed to their that's pretty Ultimate!

Gwenny Collection
"My middle name is Gwendolyn. I was named after my father's mother. I wanted to honor her by naming my first collection in her name...the Gwenny. The Gwenny will always be the signature clutch."

Q. Can you buy just a painting?
A. " Yes. Eventhough I specialize in creating one of a kind handbags, I still love to paint on canvas. A consumer can even purchase a framed print that matches their handbag."

Q. What does the word psnob really mean?

A."The word snob seems to always mean something negative but I honestly felt that I had a lot of qualities people would label as being a snob. I really wanted to change that negative meaning and create a movement where people would embrace being unique and think outside of the box. psnob is a way of life, self expression and self explanation, its all about you being happy in your own skin."

Q. How did you come up with the concept of designing artwork on handbags?

A. "People ask me that all the time and it's really hard to say how I came up with the idea. I think as an artist, I come up with all sorts of ideas and concepts, the fun part is just seeing it come to life. I knew that I loved to paint but I also knew it was important to create a product that would hit a niche market. Over seven years ago handbags were a hot item, but as everyone has seen, handbags have become a major craze. I think sometimes we all just get that "ah ha" moment and it's for us to claim and own it. I am so thankful that I am the original psnob because there is so much to look forward to."

Q. What can we all look forward to seeing from psnob in the future?

A. "Well, I don't want to give away too much but the next collection will be for the teens and I didn't forget about the more conservative mature consumer who has a little psnob in them. I even have the guys covered, so this should get pretty interesting."

Well, you heard it from the Original psnob herself. But we were eager to hear what we could expect for the next collection. Guess we'll have to wait to hear more...

Be sure to stay tuned for our next newsletter!

Today's Fashion Tip:

Basic black is always a plus in any woman's wardrobe. You can get super creative or keep it simple. You can give black a little punch by mixing a little color or make your black stand out by adding some edge. Geometric patterns or shapes will definitely create a ultra couture look.
Tropical colors are in this spring and summer, so bring the islands to you! Not in to a lot of color or drama, try getting creative with your wardrobe with what is called "Ethic" accessories. Eclectic details like patchwork, fringes, and wood carved bracelets can add some culture to your style.

Today's Advice:

Spring is the time where we get rid of the old and we welcome the new. Take a weekend to go through your closet and separate all of that old stuff. You and I both know it's a bunch of clutter, stuff we don't even wear anymore, or things we just keep hanging on to.

Start going through those old clothes that are out of style and don't fit and get rid of it already!!
Better yet, grab a few boxes or trash bags and take the old and make them new for someone else. Your local Goodwill store or Salvation Army will be more than happy to take your old clothes off your hands...and its a tax write off!!

Find your local goodwill store here:
Salvation Army:

Have a good week...and CLEAN THOSE CLOSETS!!

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