For past several months I have been revamping a lot of things with psnob. I felt that I had to. I have been feeling a tremendous amount of stress on the business front. A lot of people may not realize it but the painting and the creating part of the business has been very slim. I am doing my best to keep the "creating" a priority.
Possibly when you step out on an idea, you have to do more than just hope your idea works, you have to factor in all of the other challenges that are involved.
Knowing your market, satisfying your market and being able to always deliver a quality product or service is essential. My main focus is to be able to tackle all of these things the best way possible...A strong team, an ultimate goal, and taking a creative approach. I mean...psnob is still fun...it still brings me joy, even when there are some very difficult times.

I am very excited about what the future holds.
I have had a lot of people who have helped me manage my time, simplify my thoughts and bottom line, just keep me on track. Most people who work with me know I am very very creative and my ideas seem to go on and on...and someone has to tell me to chill...take one thing at a time.

Right now, I am working on some major changes with psnob. I must admit...marketing has to be the most challenging part of this business. If you do not have a clear message about your brand or product, people cannot relate or understand. I definitely want psnob to make a major impact on this industry and be here to stay. My main goal from the beginning was to offer a product/brand that people can appreciate and relate to as well as a little personal gratification as a fine artist.
I want my customer to embrace the psnob movement...one day at a time.

There's a lot of planning in the works for psnob over the next few months. I think a lot of people will be pleased....wait until you see what I have in store. This is going to be CRAZY!! Even though for the past year I have been told to hold back, be in the background and give the handbags the opportunity to speak for themselves, I was given some very refreshing news recently from a new friend that I met. Your advice was right on time.
It is my time to step out...be in the front and show the world who psnob really is...who Rebecca really is.
Be sure to keep your eye on the evolution of psnob...it's going to take this industry by storm.
Look how much psnob has grown...I'm so proud of her.