In the next week or so, psnob will be mailing its press release announcing its debut to all major publications thorough out the US as well as a few International publications. This is a very important part of PR and it is so crucial that editors start learning more about what psnob is all about and how it is going to add something new and unique to the fashion industry.
psnob will make sure to keep everyone posted on a ongoing basis on published articles as well as any upcoming interviews!
Today's Fashion Tip:
Accessories are so in. From a cute bracelet, or that silk scarf that you creatively tie around your head or do the quick switch and tie it around your waste to quickly get ready for an evening out with the girls, accessories say a lot about your personality and your personal style.
Play up your accessories. You do not have to spend much on a few key elements to play up any wardrobe. Invest in a variety of earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and scarves, you'll definitely have fun interchanging your look without breaking your wallet.

Oh by the way...the clutch is always an accessory that will never lead you wrong. The clutch is one accessory that will make any ensemble stand out!
"Savvy Girl" Imprimatur (Limited Edition Print)
Today's Advice:
It's all about being simple, classic and chic this spring. But most cheerful with your wardrobe and your attitude. The best time of the year is around the corner!
Be sure to check back for our next newsletter. We will be answering some great questions from online visitors.
- What is the world does Prima, Imprimatur and Ultima mean?
- What is a psnob? Is is a bad thing?
- How did the designer come up with this idea?
- Can I order just a painting?
Stay tuned...
-The Original psnob