I am very excited to share this particular psnob newsletter and I am sure that it is also a much anticipated newsletter for all of the psnob subscribers.
Just this past Monday I was in New York city at the Henri Bendel Open See event on 5th avenue. I had the privilege of attending this event with a friend of mine named Stephanie who was willing to battle the cold and stick it out for the love of fashion with me. I have to admit, I am still trying to come down from the high of this experience and I am so fortunate that I was able to attend.
From the day I left Atlanta to head to NY I was a nervous wreck. I didn't know what to expect. It was actually quite funny...I was pretty erratic.
I would like to share my adventure with all of you so I hope you enjoy!

Day 1 -Friday October 24th-
- I made sure to get my hair done. I didn't want to look a mess while presenting to Henri Bendel. -My friend Mellisa was so kind to hook me up, Dominican style, for my big day!
(4 hours of styling needed, I have A lOT OF HAIR)
- Made arrangements for a pet sitter for my dog Alpacino. I had to get three different neighbors to pet sit. One of my neighbors asked me. " How do you work the leash again." Now I'm really nervous.
- $50.00 in cash to last me for three days in New York...(no really...$50.00)
Called a cab from my house to get to the train station in Atlanta (Cab fare $11.00) - Purchased my round trip train ticket for $4.00 .
- Got to La Guardia Airport at 9am
Headed out to baggage claim where the wind kicked my butt. My hair was pretty much all over the place. As I tried to find a hair tie, it kept getting worse. - Stephanie is on her way from Maryland to meet me at our hotel in New Jersey. She is running late because she got caught is severe weather. She called me
several times mentioning all the people who hydroplaned and was off in a ditch, but she was still on her way. - Stephanie and I attempted to get a "good night" sleep. I am still very restless and unable to stop thinking about the event on Monday. Stephanie had
no trouble at all getting her "sleep on".

Day 3- Sunday October 26th-

Stephanie and I wake up fairly early to hit the streets of Manhattan. Stephanie wanted to hit some high end boutique's as well as for me me to get some practice on speaking to store owners and buyers.
- Spent nearly two hours looking for a parking spot.
- Had my first taste of Hallal. A dish Stephanie suggested we eat. Great suggestion. Rice, Chicken, vege's and salad all for $4.00
- Had to take a bathroom break from all the walking and prepping for psnob.
Got to Crate and Barrel and had a small episode. Started to cry for no apparent reason while Stephenie jokingly asked.. "What the hell is wrong with you." - I am laughing and pretty much crying and the same time saying "I don't know." She says.."You got this, don't worry, you got this."
- After getting back outside and getting some air we head back to the car awaiting a $110.00 parking ticket. We both laugh.
- We head into Harlem to visit Stephanie's family where we are greeted with warmth and love and even some great food!
- Get back to Hotel in New Jersey at 11pm
Set clock to wake up at 2:00am
I cannot sleep...Stephanie is on her third dream
Day 4- Monday October 27th-

- I never went to sleep ( Been awake since Sunday morning at 9am)
Stephanie and I get dressed to head into Manhattan by 4am - We find parking garage on the same block as Henri Bendel ($40.00..Stephanie was so kind to cover this expense)
- We line up and are fortunate that we are number 20 or so in line... SWEET!!
Stephanie buys Starbucks and we both get comfortable in our spot in line. - Stephanie sleeps....I still cannot rest ( How does she do it?)

- 9am the doors open for the first group to present their product
We are directed into different lines and pointed in the direction of the buyer to review the product. - We have about 60 seconds to pitch.
- I walk up and introuduce myself and shake the buyers hand.
The rest was a blurrrrrrrrrr - The Henri Bendel open see is complete...FOR US
- We walk outside and at least 1000 more hopefuls are waiting in line for their 60sec opportunity.
- Officially faced a high end buyer head on, with confidence and determination.
Got positive feedback. - Returned to Atlanta going more than 30 hours with NO SLEEP.
Day 5- Tuesday October 28th-
- Got an email from a high end boutique in New York's SOHO to carry a few bags from the Gwenny Collection. (will disclose boutique later)
- Had an hour phone interview with http://www.purseblog.com/. They want to do a feature story on the psnob handbags.
Finally get some sleep. Well, sort of...wanted to type the psnob newsletter!
I must say that this was one experience I will never forget. I definitely learned more than I could have ever imagined. For the past year, things have been so challenging, but have
been determined to see psnob shine. I see its growth, I envision things that I want to create, I can vividly see psnob becoming such a well known brand that it becomes a household name.
I love the fact that I am motivating young people and even the people who never dreamed of pursuing their dream of being an entrepreneur. I am so grateful for all of the lessons I have learned along the way.
I definitely have had my up's and down's, as well as many of us. All of our lives are changing right before us. But good things are going to happen, good things are going to come about by staying positive, staying true to yourself and finding the support you may need from family and friends. I don't know how I would have made it this far without that.
psnob is what keeps me laughing, smiling, crying, painting, drawing, building relationships, ended a few and most importantly, keeps me grounded.
Thank you so much for every single person who helped me make this trip to New York a success. I even returned to Atlanta with three whole dollars!!!! Now that's making your money stretch.
I am truly proud to be a psnob!