On a personal note, for the past eight years psnob has grown into a product I never even imagined...it has become an "experience" which is more important than anything. I have had continuous support and encouragement from many and I can't say thank you enough. B
ut thank you...thank you and thank you.

I still have a long way to go, but with determination and staying true to my vision, my dreams will come true. I truly hope that psnob has inspired others to pursue their goals because psnob is a symbol of self empowerment!
The artwork on this newly designed shirt is dedicated to all of those who are experiencing your own daily challenges and are committed to staying true to yourself and living your dreams. Put the negative behind you...leave it in the past, and move forward like a true psnob would!!
Pass it along, friends, family, someone who is at the point of giving up and may need a little encouragement....the goal is to get every woman to be proud of who they are and what they stand for and wear their shirt proud!
Rebecca "The original psnob"
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To learn more about psnob go to www.psnob.com