Recent update: Just published today:
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The psnob entries are in!
Hello to all of you psnob's out there! Whether you have been a psnob since the beginning, or you're a new to the psnob movement, it's all a positive direction to embracing the unique you.
Last week psnob touched on the importance of "Giving Back" and we asked people to submit their stories about why they are "proud to be a psnob." The emails flooded in and psnob is proud to share a few of the stories of those who took the time to submit an entry. We had such a huge response, psnob is going to share a few stories a week. If you would like to get on board and share your psnob story please email your entry to givingback@psnob.com
Why I am proud to be a psnob....
" When I first heard about psnob it was about three years ago. I was browsing on myspace and I stumbled on the site. I was really compelled to read more about what being a psnob was all about. At first I assume like others that psnob was something negative, but I realized it was just the opposite. I realized that I too could walk with my head high and be proud of my individuality. I am so glad that there was someone took the risk to show the world that stepping outside of the box is a challenge, but it's really worth it." -Tina Davis, Atlanta, GA.
"Your "space" itself is beautifully inspiring." - Nyuma
"I knew I was a psnob when I got to see a psnob handbag in person...it was unreal, it was something I had never seen before. I figured if I could become a part of something like this by just being myself and being proud of what makes me unique, I was in!" Natalie Christian, Miami, FL.
"I was a psnob then, a psnob now and a psnob 'til the end." Shawnda Trigg, Indpls, IN.
"Call it what you want, stuck up, confident, conceited, I think we all have a little psnob in us. So what. I am proud of it." -Nikki, North Carolina
"Every year my organization hosts an event to support inner city children who come from broken homes. We encourage children to stay true to themselves as well as have a positive role model in their lives to motivate them to focus on their dreams. We are always honored for psnob to be a sponsor." -M. Parke, Atlanta, GA.
"The first time I learned of psnob I thought it was hilarious. An old friend of mine doing what she does best. I always knew she was creative, but I thought this was a little much. Over time, I saw her diligence and dedication to building her business. I have to admit, I have a little psnob in me too." -Cameron H. Maryland
"I was at an event psnob was participating in. The tension was high and a lot of people were not paying respect to the purpose of the psnob donation. Rebecca stood her ground and expressed her intent and how she only wanted to be noted for her contribution and talent. It took a lot of courage to speak her mind in front of all of those people who seemed to mock the work. That very moment, I knew I was on board and I wanted to become a psnob too." -A Gomez, Atlanta, GA.
psnob update:
Next week, please check back for more psnob updates and we will also be sharing the interesting details of some of the first psnob handbags designed. The growth of the psnob handbag is appropriately titled, "The Evolution of Psnob".