Sunday, February 10, 2008


First and foremost, psnob would like to thank you for coming by and interacting with us.... Welcome to the psnob newsletter.

psnob is proud to announce this ground breaking, monumental event....our official launch! Yes, we are finally hitting the market. It has been a long journey and to think, it's just the beginning. We are so excited about what's to come and we encourage all of you to come along for the ride.

As far as our first update, tip or word of advice.....

Update: psnob will be officially launching by the end of February....just in time for spring.
please visit

You can visit this blog as often as you like, refer a friend, reach out to that fashion editor who is searching for a great story or just stop by to gather a tip or two.
psnob will also have a monthly video update for the more "interactive" visitor.

Tip: Handbags will always be one of the most powerful accessories for women. psnob gives each and every woman the opportunity to carry an accessory that not only expresses art appreciation, but individuality and personal style. Finally, being a psnob is a good thing!

Advice: psnob is very excited about the upcoming season for it's all about being daring and taking chances and that's what being a psnob is all about.
Remember no matter what, do what makes you feel comfortable. There are no rules. Even the most fashionable person can make a designer ensemble look ridiculous. In all either have style or you don't. Make fashion work for you and always make your OWN statement!

-The original psnob

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